modern factory girl

modern factory girl

We love collaborating with other talented people in the fashion world!  For this shoot, we were fortunate enough to work with some of the Milwaukee's finest!  We scouted the most perfect location, Deutsch & Sons, Co., Inc., my parent's prototype manufacturing shop to bring some rough edges to our chic looks!

Like what you see? As always, you can shop the looks online 24/7 at or in-store!!!

-the amazing Cate Hrobsky for the photography, check out her portfolio,, she is now located in Berkeley, CA :)/:'-(!
-the stunning Diane Rutkowski: model, stylist and blogger.  Take a peek at her blog that combines music AND fashion!  It is totally rad! 

photos by Cate Hrobsky
modeled by Diane Rutkowski
styling and wardrobe by Hyde Park MKE
location: Deutsch & Sons, Co., Inc.

PHOTOSHOOT FRESH Spring & Summer Look Book

P h o t o s h o o t  F r e s h

We know how hard it is to pair clothing with jewelry sometimes, so we're happy to give our fav customers a peek of our Spring/Summer look book to see how we did it! 
Now you can see full outfits, 100% fitted by Hyde Park, to help you put the finishing touches on your summer wardrobe!!

We owe a big thanks to...
Photographer: Jessica Monte
Model: Whitney Melton
Hair and Makeup: Kaley Wittnik
Styling and Wardrobe: Hyde Park ;-)

There's no better feeling than seeing your vision come to life!  Love collab-ing with these beautiful & talented women!

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