Upcoming Hour Changes & Closure Dates

We will be traveling a lot in the upcoming month and a half (some for work, some for pleasure)!  During our travels, Hyde Park will be operating under a slightly altered schedule (see calendar below for hours and closures). 

Hyde Park will still be accepting all dry cleaning, but will be unable to accept most tailoring* from February 21-25th and March 2-11th .  We will be accepting all tailoring February 28 and March 1 and again once we resume normal hours on March 14th onward.

So come say hello to Barb, Mary, Sara, Susan, Kate and Rose (love you guys!) who will all be ably running HP while we are finding your next outfit at our buying tripin Las Vegas and searching for inspiration in Washington DC and England!  Follow us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat at HydeParkMKE to see our travels! 


*During these time periods, we will be able to accept pre-measured/pinned items for tailoring.


See below for our hours and closures!
